Shareware Registration Form: Release 1.1 Date: ____________________ (please print) Name: (Mr./Ms./Dr.) _____________________________ Address: _____________________________ _____________________________ City, State, ZIP: _____________________________ Country: _____________________________ Telephone number: (_____) _____ - __________ e-mail address: _____________________________ 100Buddy version (100Buddy- x.xx): ___________ (See the HP SETUP or main Buddy EXM display for the version number.) Shareware version: $40.00 US amount enclosed: $________ Sorry, I cannot accept credit cards. Check here ( ) and add $5.00 to receive the NEXT major release on 3.5-inch diskette. Check here ( ) and add $15.00 to receive a formatted, printed, and bound copy of the 40-page user's manual, 100BUDDY.TXT (8.5" x 11"). Corporate customers (Paperwork Reduction Act): please prepay single-copy registrations. Contact me about multiple-copy licenses (10 or more). International users: Please add $1.00 for diskette postage and $5.00 for manual postage. I cannot accept Eurocheques. All checks MUST have the name and address of a U.S. member bank, otherwise it costs me too much to process the check. Most banks can do that, or go to an American Express office. You may also send U.S. cash. a. I heard about 100Buddy via: ____________________________ b. I obtained my copy of 100Buddy from: ____________________________ c. My HP 100LX memory size is: _____1Meg _____2Meg d. I have the following extensions: _____CMCALC other:______________________________ e. Favorite 100LX editor: ______________________________ f. 100Buddy features: most useful: ______________________________ least useful: ______________________________ g. Comments: Mail to: Jeffrey Mattox, P.O. Box 45282, Madison, WI 53744-5282 e-mail: CompuServe: 71044,2356 voice: (608) 274-6206 evenings after 7:00pm central time only.